Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum Judith, Samson, David und Jahel / Heroes and heroines from the old testament, C. Braeu, nach H. Goltzius, 4 Bll., The New Hollstein Dutch & Flemish [24, Hendrick Goltzius] III.43.404-407

Judith, Samson, David und Jahel / Heroes and heroines from the old testament, C. Braeu, nach H. Goltzius, 4 Bll., The New Hollstein Dutch & Flemish [24, Hendrick Goltzius] III.43.404-407

Objektgruppe: Judith, Samson, David und Jahel / Heroes and heroines from the old testament, C. Braeu, nach H. Goltzius, 4 Bll., The New Hollstein Dutch & Flemish [24, Hendrick Goltzius] III.43.404-407

[ 3 Objekte ]

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