
Henry III of Nassau-Breda (1483-1537)

"Count Henry III of Nassau-Dillenburg-Dietz (12 January 1483, Siegen – 14 September 1538, Breda), Lord (from 1530 Baron) of Breda, Lord of the Lek, of Dietz, etc. was a count of the House of Nassau.

He was the son of Count John V of Nassau-Dillenburg and Elisabeth of Hesse-Marburg. His younger brother was William I, Count of Nassau-Dillenburg (the father of William the Silent)." - ( 24.12.2020)

Relationships with persons or entities via objects

(The left column lists the relations of this actor to objects in the right column. In the middle you find other actors in relation to the same objects.)

Was depicted (Actor) Henry III of Nassau-Breda (1483-1537)
Published / Intellectual creation Pieter Soutman (1593-1657) ()
Printing plate produced Pieter van Sompel (1600-1644) ()