
Luke Sullivan (1705-1771)

Luke Sullivan, Engraver and Miniature Painter (b. 1705, d. 1771)

"Was born in 1705 in the county of Louth. Early in life he went to England where his father found employment as a groom with the Duke of Beaufort. The Duke seeing his talent for drawing put him in the way of receiving instruction. His earliest work as an engraver was "View of the Battle of Culloden," after A. Heckel, done in 1746, and soon afterwards he was engaged as an assistant to Hogarth for whom he engraved his celebrated plate of "The March of Finchley," published in 1750. ... He was of extremely irregular and disspated habits, and Hogarth is said to have experienced considerable difficulty in keeping hin under his eye; he had the habit of disappearing mysteriously for weeks at a time. ... He painted, in water-colour, landscapes and architectural views. ... He died, from the effects of the life he had led, in 1771 at the White Bear Tavern in Piccadilly". - Walter G. Strickland, Dictionary of Irish Artists, Dublin 1913, Volume 2.

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Druckplatte hergestellt Luke Sullivan (1705-1771)
Gemalt / Druckplatte hergestellt / Veröffentlicht / Hergestellt William Hogarth (1697-1764) ()