
Abraham van der Hulst (1619-1666)

"Abraham van der Hulst (Amsterdam, 11 April 1619 – 12 June 1666) was a Dutch admiral in the 17th century.

Van der Hulst was appointed extraordinary captain in 1650. He served as captain of Groningen in the First Anglo-Dutch War, being promoted to full captain in 1653, becoming flag captain of Vice-Admiral Witte de With on Vrijheid, fighting in the Battle of the Gabbard and the Battle of Scheveningen.

In 1654 he had convoy duty in the Mediterranean. In 1656, in the Dutch-Portuguese War, he took two merchantmen during the blockade of Portugal. In 1658 he was flag captain of Vice-Admiral Michiel de Ruyter on Hilversum while again blockading Portugal. In 1661 he served in De Ruyter's fleet in the Mediterranean. When the Second Anglo-Dutch War threatened he was on 29 January appointed temporary Rear-Admiral with the Admiralty of Amsterdam. In the Battle of Lowestoft in 1665 he was second in command in the squadron of Lieutenant-Admiral Jacob van Wassenaer Obdam, taking over command of this unit when the latter was killed because his flagship exploded. The battle was a heavy defeat for the Dutch and those captains fighting bitterly to cover the retreat of the fleet were seen as heroes, among them Van der Hulst who was promoted on 25 July to Vice-Admiral." - (Wikipedia (en) 10.08.2021)

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Wurde abgebildet (Akteur) Abraham van der Hulst (1619-1666)
Veröffentlicht Cralinge, Jan ()
Druckplatte hergestellt / Vorlagenerstellung Jan de Visscher (1636-1692) ()