
François de Pâris (1690-1727)

"François de Pâris (French pronunciation: ​[fʁɑ̃swa d(ə) pɑʁi]; 3 June 1690 – 1 May 1727) was a French Catholic deacon and theologian, a supporter of Jansenism. He became deacon of the Oratory of St. Magloire and was noted for his critique of the papal bull Unigenitus, which condemned Pasquier Quesnel's annotated translation of the Bible. He gave his earnings to the poor, and in his retirement he lived in a state of extreme poverty. After his death, his place of burial gained a reputation for supernatural events and the basis of the Convulsionnaires of Saint-Médard where he is buried. In 1731 there was a movement by the Jansenists to canonize François de Pâris as a saint in acknowledgement of the miracles said to have been performed there and Cardinal Archbishop Louis Antoine de Noailles, who had investigated several of the reports in 1728, had begun the beatification process." - (Wikipedia (en) 24.05.2021)

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Wurde abgebildet (Akteur) François de Pâris (1690-1727)
Wurde abgebildet (Akteur) Tournus, Louis Firmin ()
Druckplatte hergestellt Georg Friedrich Schmidt (1712-1775) ()