
Catherine Wodhull (1744-1808)

Ehefrau von Michael Wodhull (1740-1816). Geborene Ingram.

"Catherine Ingram (1744-1808), fourth daughter of the Rev. John Ingram of Wolford, Warwickshire, married Michael Woodhull (1740-1816), the eminent bibliophile, minor poet and translator of Euripides, in 1761. They had three children, all of whom predeceased their parents. Catherine was buried at Thenford, the Woodhull family seat in Northamptonshire. Michael Woodhull (or Wodhull) was a wealthy man, owning a town house in Berkeley Square. In about 1765 he built the manor house at Thenford to replace the existing Elizabethan mansion. He was for a short while a prisoner of Napoleon in Paris." -, 15.01.2021

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Wurde abgebildet (Akteur) Catherine Wodhull (1744-1808)
Druckplatte hergestellt Richard Houston (1721-1775) ()