
Tinelli, Tiberio

"Tiberio Tinelli (1586 – 22 May 1639) was an Italian painter of the early-Baroque period, active mainly in his native city of Venice.

He trained with Giovanni Contarini, a pupil of the late Titian. Tinelli then either worked under or emulated Leandro Bassano.

He was well known for his portraits of aristocracy, merchants, and intellectuals in Venice, whom he often painted in historical dress. His small pictures of historical and mythological subjects were also popular. Some of his pictures found their way into the collection of Louis XIII, king of France, who knighted him with the order of Michael. He moved later in life in Florence. Domestic afflictions drove him into a state of despondency, causing him to commit suicide." - (Wikipedia (en) 12.08.2021)

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Gemalt Tinelli, Tiberio
Wurde abgebildet (Akteur) Paolo Sarpi (1552-1623) ()
Druckplatte hergestellt / Gezeichnet Giovanni Cattini (1715-1800) ()